Sunday, September 5, 2010

My story....

Welcome to my blog! After reading other inspiring infertility blogs, i decided to start my own. I hope to not only help myself, but to help others who are going through infertility or who have gone through it in the past. This is also for those who want to help someone they love going through infertility or just want to learn more about it. I welcome any comments and questions that are of a positive nature. If you feel the need to be rude, mean, and hurtful, go some where else. I don't have room for any of that in my life or this blog, which is my own personal place for my thoughts and for others.

Here is my infertility story....In high school i went through the ups and downs of puberty like anyone else. I had all the physical changes except for one. No period. By senior year my mother had taken me to our family doctor to see what was going on. It turned out i had a few harmless ovarian cysts and my doc put me on BC pills to start my cycles. It worked and i didn't think anything about my period again. Fast forward to 2006. Hubby and i get engaged in october. Our wedding is planned for 2008. By 2007 we had ditched all forms of protection and birth control including the pills. In April 2008 i still had not got a period after being off of the pills for over a year. I decided to see a OB. I went to what i thought was a great male obgyn who did some tests and said i had pcos. I had heard of it but knew very little about it. I went home and googled it, and was crushed at the information i found. I lost any hope of every having children. The doctor put me on a low dose of clomid which failed. We did another in october that same year which also failed. I wasn't sure what to do at that point. I had got a few books on pcos and was trying a few diets to see if that might help us get pregnant naturally. A year later in April 2009 I get this weird feeling to google my ob. I did and to my horror found out he had been charged with sexually assaulting three patients-two in florida and one in new york. (i'm in michigan.). At that point i decided it was time to see a reproductive endocrinologist which is someone that specializes in infertility. I knew i wanted to see a woman and found that there are very few RE's in the metro detroit area. However i did find a wonderful female re and i can't say enough good things about her!

In July 2009 we had our first appointment with her. She started a full range of tests. I should also say that i never did end of getting a period on my own after going off of the bc pills. Dr. G was skeptical of my pcos diagnoises and did the blood work over to check my hormone levels. Hubby got tested and came back normal. While completing the testing i was put on metformin to hopefully start my cycles. It worked but only for about a year, when they suddenly stopped again. I also had a hysto fill in the blank because i can't remember what is called. It is a very common test for woman who are ttc and having trouble. It's the one where they insert the catheter and look at pretty much everything-uterus, ovaries, tubes, eggs, ect. All of that came back normal. In January 2010 i had what i call the other hysto procedure. The reason for this was because dr. g thought she saw some polyps and was hoping that would be what was causing my problem. She went in and found nothing. We ended up with a diagnosis of hypothelmic ovulatory dysfunction. Basicly i don't ovulate and when i do it is not strong enough to cause conception. I did a cycle of femara in march that cancelled halfway through due to small follicle size. My biggest one was only 11mm! At this point we are preparing to do our first round of injectibles. Follistum and Menopur. I am very nervouse about this, especially about having to give myself a shot. I am not someone who is scared of getting shots, but for me it is what the shots symbolize. It symbolizes the fact that we are at this point. A point i hoped we would never be at. I also can not believe the cost of these fertility medications! It is unbelieveable how much they cost! And of course our insurance does not cover a single bit of it. I don't know how we are ever going to have any hope of having a child when we can hardly afford the treatments. I do know that God has a plan. He has brought me to this journey for a reason. I have never been through anythign so hard in my life. If this dosen't stregnthen me i don't know what will. I hope and pray eveyday that God will bless us with a miracle and i pray the same for others as well. I apologize that this post is so long and if you are still reading thank you! I promise they will not all be this lenghty! :)


  1. I am super proud that you decided to blog about your experience! I am a follower now! I am here always and forever to listen, laugh and support in anyway I can!

    To anyone reading this in the Detroit area... we are working to build a support group/ network for infertility. If you are interested please post here or email

  2. Thanks amy! Congrats on being my first follower! I am glad that God brought us together. It is so nice to have a friend that is truly there for me and understands everything i am going through. I can't thank you enough for your friendship and support. You are a amazing mom and friend. :)

  3. Jennie it sounds like we are on the sort of journey. Would love to share my blog with you, it is set to private. If I can get your email address I can make you a reader as well! Looking forward to meeting you on a Thursday night with Amy! ~Aimee~

  4. Aimee that would be wonderful! I would love to see your blog. Reading about others journeys is what inspired me to start mine. :) You can email me at

  5. I am here to thank a great man who cured my husband of AZOOSPERMIA (ZERO SPERM COUNT) his name is Dr. Uduehi. My husband suffered zero sperm count for a long time. He felt useless or depressed most time especially when we wants to make out because he knows there would be no results. So, one day I confide in a friend about our predicament and she gave me Dr. Uduehi’s contacts, I contacted him and he administered his medication and after my spouse took the medicine he started experiencing sperm although it was little at the beginning but it kept increasing until he got me pregnant after 13 years of marriage. You too can be cured also he treats any kind of male infertility. Reach him through: phone/WhatsaPP: +2347084878384

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